It has been forever since I have written and I think I need to start doing so again even if it's just for my sanity. As you all know I have been in SC since 2005 and in 2014 it still isn't home for me. I don't have FRIENDS. I don't even have the neighbors that I could be doing things with. This is becoming harder each day and sometimes I just want to scream. If it weren't for my husband and kids I would have left a long time ago.
There have been some good things that have happened. This past January I gave birth to girl/boy twins. They are the exclamation point to our family. Our family is now complete. It hasn't been easy but I wouldn't change it for the world. I however would like to be able to get home and see my family. My husband is also now ready to leave SC but would like to be able to transfer with his company. I PRAY that something will come up soon.
Sorry to vent but this is the only place I can. With the holidays approaching I tend to realize more just how alone we are here.
My Southern Life
Family life and adventures in learning to make a house a home.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Saturday, December 15, 2012
I haven't posted in a while but with the tragedy in Ct and also China I had to post now. All I have to say is PRAY. There are sick people in this world and all we can do is PRAY and ask God for His protection. TEACH our children the unconditional love of God and PRAY that they will make the right choices as they get older. Both men in Ct and China had a choice and they both chose the wrong thing. I can not even imagine the grief that each of the families are feeling. Innocent lives taken away in the blink of an eye. School isn't a place where parents think their children won't return from at the end of the day. PRAY that they will feel the love of God around them to comfort them. PRAY that if they don't have a relationship with God that they may draw near and find the love that only He can give. Tell your children you love them daily. Lastly I want to remind you once again to
Saturday, September 8, 2012
It's that time again!!!!!
Today marked the beginning of our 2013 travel baseball year. I must say that I enjoyed our time off in the summer but was glad when the boys started practice again. They love to play baseball so I love to watch them. Daddy played baseball so of course he wants his boys to play and he is blessed that they both have a love for the sport. They can play all day and still come home and play with each other in the back yard. Of course they have their own rules when at home. LC is playing 8u machine pitch this year and since JC played up last year his coach started a new 10u team for him. Both boys have tournaments this weekend and each are playing at different fields :(. It is needless to say that the hubby and I had to divide and conquer. I went to one field with JC and hubby went to the other with LC since he helps with coaching his team. Ms. KC has to tag along and she is such a great sport for dealing with being at a baseball field ALLLLLLLLL DAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! So aster we finished at one field with JC I rushed over to another to see the rest of LC's 2nd game. I felt like I had my cape on today with the rather SM on the back. I definitely hope they remember when they are older how much we supported them not only in baseball but in anything they choose to do. When KC starts her activity that I will tell you about later I may need to clone myself so I can be everywhere at the same time.
LC swinging that bat!!
JC up to bat!!!! (not a clear pic)
KC and BG having their fun!!!!!!!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Is it ok?
I look at my 7 yr old son who is full of energy, all boy but can also have a bad attitude. I worry for him because he really doesn't have any friends. If you don't remember we do homeschool so they aren't with kids all day. Even at church or in his activities I don't see him having true friendships being built. He does play with kids but he is never invited on playdates unless it's the whole team. I don't want him to grow up never having good friendships. Should I be worried about this or will it change. I don't remember having the best of friendships when I was his age but I want to hear from others. Do you have a child like this who didn't or doesn't have great friendships at this age? Was this you at 7 and things changed for you? I may be overreacting but this is my baby.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
I haven't written a post in a while. I haven't had the drive to write although I have been here reading all the post from the blogs I follow. I have no pics today or fun things. I am now writing because I'm needing someplace to vent and this seems to be the best place for me. I have said before how I am not happy with where I live or our financial situation. I know that there are others who are worse off than me financially and I am trying to remind myself of that and find my joy the God has given me. Certain days I am better but this month has been hard. My family is very close knit and my husbands isn't. I am missing my family very much and haven't been home since my daughter who is now 3.5 was 8 months old. I am missing my family sooooooooo much and finances haven't allowed me to see them. My boys didn't even get to go with me the last time I went. I also feel like I am so alone here. All my friends, not associates, are in California and after almost 7 years here I still feel like an outsider. You would think that it's getting better over time but it's actually getting worse. It would be better if my husband understood. He says he misses Ca. also and understands how I feel but since his family is here I don't feel that he does. Many people love Columbia and are happy to call it home however, it's not the case for me.
Now to give some background I did want to move closer to SC so my children could have grandparents since my parents had passed and my hubby's were still alive. My mother-in-law lives about 1.5 hours away and we rarely see her. When we first moved I would make the drive down with the boys for her to see them yet time was never really spent with them. I have since realized that she is not the grandmother I expected to my children. To give an example she doesn't know when my children's birthday's are and has never come to a party. My children have also never received a Christmas present from her. I know that it's not about the money but I do think she should at least know their birthdays are and at least give them a call. If I didn't live so close it wouldn't bother me but it does. My mother was a great grandmother and the fact that my kids didn't get to have her in their lives hurts me. If you read this I want to say thank-you for allowing me to rant. I need prayer for strength. I am praying for not only to move away from SC but also for my husband.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
My Baby Boy is 7!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe it that my baby boy is 7 today. These years have gone by waaaaaaaaaaay to fast. My L is the child in our family that is full of energy and a lover of all things lego. He is a natural athlete and like his big brother plays baseball. He can be a spitfire most of the time yet he also has a tender heart. He gave his life to Christ last month and can't wait to be baptized. When I was told I told that I was having another boy 7 years ago I must admit that I cried. Now I see my two boys and I can't imagine life any other way. God does know best, right!!!! Since we homeschool I get to spend each day with my lil man and see how he is growing, not only in education areas but also in many other areas of his life. I know that God has GREAT plans for his life and I am glad that I get to come along on the journey.
He woke up this morning to 7 balloons in his room for the seven years of life he has been blessed with. This was the first time I have done this and I must say it will be a tradition now. He had the biggest smile when he came running in the room after seeing them all. He also got a bike which I don't have a pic of that brought an even bigger smile. Funny thing is he wanted to show off the fact that he had in his words "you know the thing that you put on the ground" a kickstand LOL. The things that excite kids.
Here are a few baseball pics I tried with him the other day.
My little man holding all his balloons.
We do Classical Conversations on Tuesdays and yesterday was our end of the year celebration. Here is Mr. L with his tutor Mrs. Hudson who gave him the "Sincerity" award.
He has requested that super expensive restaurant Cici's Pizza for dinner LOL. We won't have a party until sometime in May since he and his brother, whose birthday is 4/28, share a party and because they want a pool party this year.
Happy Birthday L!! Mommy loves
He woke up this morning to 7 balloons in his room for the seven years of life he has been blessed with. This was the first time I have done this and I must say it will be a tradition now. He had the biggest smile when he came running in the room after seeing them all. He also got a bike which I don't have a pic of that brought an even bigger smile. Funny thing is he wanted to show off the fact that he had in his words "you know the thing that you put on the ground" a kickstand LOL. The things that excite kids.
Here are a few baseball pics I tried with him the other day.
My little man holding all his balloons.
We do Classical Conversations on Tuesdays and yesterday was our end of the year celebration. Here is Mr. L with his tutor Mrs. Hudson who gave him the "Sincerity" award.
He has requested that super expensive restaurant Cici's Pizza for dinner LOL. We won't have a party until sometime in May since he and his brother, whose birthday is 4/28, share a party and because they want a pool party this year.
Happy Birthday L!! Mommy loves
Saturday, February 18, 2012
The weekend!!!!!!!
What do you have planned for the weekend? Well my husband has made an appointment for me to get my hair done.
I guess he's tired of me doing it myself LOL. So I will be heading this morning to the beauty shop and later to more baseball practice.
The time of year when baseball starts back is here and I am ready except for the practices and games when it will be cold. I'm not a cold loving person. I am also supposed to have a date night with the hubs. Considering we don't get these much because we never have a sitter I am looking forward to it. The MIL is here and doesn't know she's babysitting yet but since she NEVER does I figure I should be able to get a couple of hours. Don't you? Well enjoy your weekend whatever you have planned. I know I will.

I guess he's tired of me doing it myself LOL. So I will be heading this morning to the beauty shop and later to more baseball practice.
The time of year when baseball starts back is here and I am ready except for the practices and games when it will be cold. I'm not a cold loving person. I am also supposed to have a date night with the hubs. Considering we don't get these much because we never have a sitter I am looking forward to it. The MIL is here and doesn't know she's babysitting yet but since she NEVER does I figure I should be able to get a couple of hours. Don't you? Well enjoy your weekend whatever you have planned. I know I will.
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