I haven't posted in a while but with the tragedy in Ct and also China I had to post now. All I have to say is PRAY. There are sick people in this world and all we can do is PRAY and ask God for His protection. TEACH our children the unconditional love of God and PRAY that they will make the right choices as they get older. Both men in Ct and China had a choice and they both chose the wrong thing. I can not even imagine the grief that each of the families are feeling. Innocent lives taken away in the blink of an eye. School isn't a place where parents think their children won't return from at the end of the day. PRAY that they will feel the love of God around them to comfort them. PRAY that if they don't have a relationship with God that they may draw near and find the love that only He can give. Tell your children you love them daily. Lastly I want to remind you once again to